

Over 50,000km through 19 Countries; England, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia to Timor L'Este.

From Darwin to Broome, then back again to Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Saturday 9 January 2010

There Is No Snow Here!

We explored Ko Chang on our bikes. The other western tourists there attempted to do the same on rented scooters. A lot of them failed and fell off whilst wearing only shorts and sandals. We got some funny looks for wearing full bike gear, they bragged to each other over broken arms and sprained ankles.

Whilst Morgan and I were trying to circumnavigate the island using an old abandonned road we came across a completely isolated beach. It was polulated by a Thai man who lived in a hammock with a big stick to poke down the abundant coconuts from the palms and 3 germans who had only managed to get there in a boat.

There was a small tidal lagoon and Morgan and I frollicked in the current. Whilst Morgan attempted to dig a big hole, I set off on a mission to capture a hermit crab on a rock. I succeeded, but slipped and got a nasty gash on my toe. I stood on the rock for 10 minutes, bleeding profusely and pondering how to disembark without causing further injury. I failed and fell off anyway slicing my foot open even more. I was now able to blend in with the other tourists as I limped around.

New Years Eve saw a huge party on the beach to celebrate the blue moon. I'm sure the moon was impressed with all the drunken teenagers dancing to trance music until dawn.

George, Mena, Morgan and I set off back to Bangkok a few days later, we decided to pop down Koa San road, the major tourist district for a bit of attention and a beer.

I stayed back at Apple Guesthouse where Marc turned up the next day. After speaking to Carlos on New Years Eve he is racing down South to Australia since he only has 2 months left before he needs to be back home.

I showed Marc and Dirk (another German overlander) to Red Baron. We passed through a police roadblock where they tried to wave us over. Not being in the mood to have to pay money for we kept going. Bikes are supposed to keep to the left and ride in the gutter, a perfectly safe place to ride at 50 mph! There are no distinctions between scooters and big bikes that can actually out perform cars here. There is also no concept of advanced defensice riding from the police. We managed to ride through the same roadblock 3 times, each time riding around a policeman who jumped in front of the bikes.

We explored many of the shopping malls and once again spent much too much money. Elvis (a KTM rider who I met in Rishikesh in India) and I got stickers made for our bikes. I now have the flags of all the countries on the front of the bike like a decorated veteran soldier's ribbons.

I visited an overly expensive aquarium for something to do whilst I waited for my new chain and sprockets to arrive from the UK. I was particularly impressed with the golfish tank made from a microwave. I got a fish foot massage, where small fish will eat the dead skin from your feet. I caused a frenzy in the tank with an iritated mosquito bite which they loved, so much so that they caused it to bleed.

Myy old chain and sprockets are in serious need of replacing after being dragged down the road in Northern Thailand. The replacements have been delayed due to carrier incompetence and the weather in Europe, but I have just literally recieved word that they have arrived so I am off to battle the traffic and police and head on to Red Baron so that I can set off North.

Happy New Year!

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